I found joy… in the wind

It’s fascinating to me to think that although we can’t see the wind, we know it’s there. How? We see its effect on the objects with which it interacts. Our vision captures the movement of fall leaves, tall grass, and wispy branches. When we hear wind, it is actually its friction against other objects. I love the sound of the wind rustling leaves. Have you ever intently listened to a gentle breeze?

This morning, as I walked my dogs through our quiet little neighborhood, I was blessed by the sound of the wind in the trees. It rushed in waves, forcefully for a moment, then a calm lull.  A leaf pile was ever so delicately disturbed as the tender force skimmed its peak and wafted a few souls away. So beautiful.

The Holy Spirit is like the wind. While we can’t see it with our eyes, we know it is there by the undeniable effect on our soul. And just like the wind, the Holy Spirit is anywhere and everywhere. You can draw it into your spirit at any time.

May you enjoy a deep breath of fresh air today and soak in the Holy Spirit.

The Joy of Choosing

Welcome to Election Day 2012! Today is the day that American citizens have the awesome opportunity to exercise the freedom of choice. By now, most of us are tired of the constant barrage of political advertisements, door knocks, and phone calls. Recent conversations consist mainly of complaints about either the opposing party or the entire political system. Living in a free, democratic society is a privilege that most of us take for granted. We cannot inculcate how fortunate we are to possess the inalienable right to exert our voice in a free election.  How many souls around the globe would gladly give their life in exchange for the freedom we thoughtlessly enjoy every day? Masterfully created by our forefathers, the United States Constitution provides her citizens the ability to equally place a hand on the steering wheel of the democratic vehicle.

Do we behold the exceptional nature of our country? Most often, we digress into petty diatribes, spewing unkindness and prejudice across social media. It’s so easy to do, hiding behind a computer screen. Consequently, this does not bring joy, so let us turn our focus toward the overarching idea of choices.

Every moment of every day, we make choices; whether to get out of bed or sleep in, speak the truth or lie, obey authority or rebel. Moment to moment we have the gift of choice! What’s more, we have the choice of how we react in those moments. Will we choose joy or discontentment? I am of the opinion that it is not our nature to choose joy, but rather a learned discipline. One must choose to search, investigate, and dig to find redemption in any given circumstance.  By nature, we are swayed by our basic instincts. Our appetite, selfishness, and pride easily lead us into hasty decisions.

In just a few hours, we will know the results of the 2012 presidential election. Whether our chosen candidate wins or loses, we have a choice of how we will react. We have a choice to bring peace or strife.  I pray we will choose the path that brings joy.

Regardless of even the worst circumstances, rejoice in the knowledge that we always have a choice!

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

The Joy of Vision

I do not know when it happened. It seemed to have slipped away suddenly. My vision, that is. I managed to hold off on reading glasses until only two years ago. My optometrist was impressed that I had outlasted most people ‘my age’. I set aside my pride and put on the reading glasses. I did not realize how badly I needed them until I started using them.

I don’t know exactly when the deterioration started, but it probably stretched over much more time than I care to admit. Along with it, I noticed an intruding grumpiness. I like to read and I need to read… a lot. This constant strain to focus, even with my glasses, was very frustrating. I was irritated that my body was not working the way I wanted it to, and it was out of my control. Lack of vision robbed me of joy.

I finally proscribed my pity party and went for an eye exam. Had it really been two years? Anxiously, I awaited new lenses. Finally…I can see! I can see! Great God almighty, I can see!!   What a JOY to be able to read the small print and delight over my literature with ease!

I speak literally of vision here, but it brings to mind the importance of a life vision. Just as it is useless to read without spectacles, a life without a vision is purposeless. “Where there is no vision, the people will perish” Proverbs 29:18

I am gobsmacked by the connection I now see between biological and spiritual vision. How long will I ignore the incessant tugging at my soul before I go to the Ultimate Optometrist for guidance? Just as my lack of physical vision distracts me from joy, so too does my lack of God’s vision for my life. If I do not ask, seek, and knock, I am just fumbling in the dark.

I am not aware of a single piece of scripture that instructs us to set personal goals for things such as education, career, or material wealth. The vision referred to in Proverbs 29:18 is an eternal one; something that goes against everything the world tells us. It has everything to do with God’s plan and purpose for us in His kingdom. In order to grasp it, I must get a new prescription; one that helps me see the world through His eyes. Open my eyes to your heart Lord, I want to see you.

Joy Comes in the Morning

I’m still working on finding at least one thing each day that brings genuine joy. I’m having to dig deeper to find something new. I have observed on the days when I have not focused my attention on seeking joy,  I don’t remember finding any. As I crawled into bed those nights, I did not have that peaceful sense of purpose in my heart as compared to the days when I was intentional. It was just another day of checking boxes. But there is hope! I am learning to go beyond and search for joy in new things that I had not considered before.

This morning I was awakened, as usual, by the menagerie of pets desiring to be fed. We have the same routine every day.  However, this morning when I let the dogs out, I stayed out on the back deck a little longer, despite the biting cold breeze. The sky was still and peaceful; pregnant with promise. The clouds were busy going who-knows-where. The sun broke through the horizon and I imagined I could hear singing.

What if the sunrise was a symphony? I can just imagine our divine Creator, baton in hand, conducting every nuance of the performance. As he cues the sun to rise, he whispers softly over his shoulder to the early birds, “Gently now, little ones. Keep the chatter in sync with the pace of the Sun rising in the sky.” Next, he waves to the west, signaling for the cumulus clouds to gently flow in, in harmony with the vibrations of the sun. What would the sun sound like? I am not a musician, so please excuse my clunky terminology. But I imagine that the sun would have a deep, bass roar; growing in volume as it peaked above the horizon. Sort of like the sound of a great warrior riding his chariot into an ancient battle. It’s depth and richness cause the stars to vibrate ever so slightly. The clouds would sound like violins, slow and easy. Perhaps the trees would be the percussion section.

It’s all in my imagination, but it is quite entertaining to ponder. What a blessing that I can find this joy every single day, right outside my window. No admission fee. No dress code. Just bring an open mind and heart.

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
    in the morning I lay my requests before you
    and wait expectantly.