The Joy of Vision

I do not know when it happened. It seemed to have slipped away suddenly. My vision, that is. I managed to hold off on reading glasses until only two years ago. My optometrist was impressed that I had outlasted most people ‘my age’. I set aside my pride and put on the reading glasses. I did not realize how badly I needed them until I started using them.

I don’t know exactly when the deterioration started, but it probably stretched over much more time than I care to admit. Along with it, I noticed an intruding grumpiness. I like to read and I need to read… a lot. This constant strain to focus, even with my glasses, was very frustrating. I was irritated that my body was not working the way I wanted it to, and it was out of my control. Lack of vision robbed me of joy.

I finally proscribed my pity party and went for an eye exam. Had it really been two years? Anxiously, I awaited new lenses. Finally…I can see! I can see! Great God almighty, I can see!!   What a JOY to be able to read the small print and delight over my literature with ease!

I speak literally of vision here, but it brings to mind the importance of a life vision. Just as it is useless to read without spectacles, a life without a vision is purposeless. “Where there is no vision, the people will perish” Proverbs 29:18

I am gobsmacked by the connection I now see between biological and spiritual vision. How long will I ignore the incessant tugging at my soul before I go to the Ultimate Optometrist for guidance? Just as my lack of physical vision distracts me from joy, so too does my lack of God’s vision for my life. If I do not ask, seek, and knock, I am just fumbling in the dark.

I am not aware of a single piece of scripture that instructs us to set personal goals for things such as education, career, or material wealth. The vision referred to in Proverbs 29:18 is an eternal one; something that goes against everything the world tells us. It has everything to do with God’s plan and purpose for us in His kingdom. In order to grasp it, I must get a new prescription; one that helps me see the world through His eyes. Open my eyes to your heart Lord, I want to see you.

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